Thought provoking quote…


I selected a quote from our reading in Into the Wild.  I hope I don’t miss the mark here by not directly using words of the author, but the quote I personally found to be the most thought provoking and inspiring thus far was an excerpt from “Family Happiness” by Leo Tolstoy that Chris McCandless had highlighted.  The quote is this, “I wanted movement and not a calm course of existence.  I wanted excitement and danger and the chance to sacrifice myself for my love.  I felt in myself a superabundance of energy which found no outlet in our quiet life.”

I selected this quote because I suppose I relate to this way of thinking.  I have a hard time feeling like a “cog” in society a lot of the time.  I feel like like is slipping through my fingers and I am not living the way I feel I should be.  I feel that the way our life is designed in this country makes it difficult to live life the way, I believe, we are “supposed” to.  I am a very emotional person, and I like it that way.  I feel the need to contain myself a lot of the time to stay a part of functioning society, but at times, I just feel that “superabundance of energy” that I am not able to express.  My outlet for this repressed passion has always been writing, reading other similar thinkers’ words, and hearing relatable lyrics.

I selected the picture because it shows me a visual of freedom.   No material goods, no restrictions, in the middle of nowhere, alone in the beautiful earth, being free and loud and real, and that seems, for me, a dream of  truly being happy.

A place I would love to travel… Venice, Italy

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A place I would love to travel is Italy.  I have always dreamed of being able to go to Venice.  My family comes from northern Italy, but Venice has always had so much appeal, and I have never been.  It has such a sense of romance and passion to me.  As I have stated before, I am a giant foodie, and my favorite cuisine is definitely Italian.  I was raised in an Italian household so I feel comforted by the sights, and even more by the smells, of Italian culture.
If money were no object, I would ideally like to be able to stay for a month.  I wouldn’t want to have an itinerary at all; I’d like to be able to be as spontaneous as possible.  I would definitely do some research on where the best restaurants were; make sure and talk to the locals and not get advice only from Google.
In my picture it shows a gondola; I would absolutely use this method of transportation as much as possible.  To casually float my way down to some local homemade pasta joint is my idea of perfection.

Inanimate object that best defines my personality…


When thinking of an inanimate object that would best describe my personality, I immediately thought of coffee. I probably thought of this because it was earlier in the morning, and I happen to be addicted to that breakfast cup of warmth, but I also see the connections to my personality. When people cross paths with me, they tend to open up and share themselves with me pretty quickly; I connect that to the caffeine wake up that you would get from your morning sips o’ brew. Also, coffee doesn’t look like much, a simple brown liquid, but it is pretty powerful. I don’t stand out as far as appearances go, but inside I definitely pack a punch. If you underestimate me, you will be caught off guard by the “flavor” I possess inside.

Inanimate object assignment

Celebrity I have most in common with…


For the celebrity whom I feel I have the most in common with, I selected the comedian Sarah Silverman. Sarah has a pretty crass and crude sense of humor that can both pull people in or push them away. Sometimes I will say things when meeting people that may test where their limits are- I am one to go too far on occasion- but it is never with bad intention. Sarah is known for being offensive in her comedy, but I believe it is just her act; if she says things that cross the line, or if she makes fun of herself, it is almost like she is trying to protect herself. I also try to come off stronger and sassier than I actually feel at times to put up a guise that I hope others will see and perceive as actual confidence; when in reality I am actually very sensitive.

Celebrity I feel I have the most in common with.